I’ve spoken at events all around the country.

One of my favorite ways to share my ideas is live on stage, where there’s so much more communication bandwidth than there is in writing, and I love podcast interviews because they give me the opportunity to answer questions instead of just present my opinions.


Dive into the exciting startup ecosystem in Tunisia

Let's talk IT 2023

Learn about the startup ecosystem and how to find opportunities to grow your idea.

Innovate with Google Cloud

GDSC Tech Talk 2023

The cloud opens possibilites in every facet of modern technology.

Embracing the blockchain revolution

DevFest 2022 - Google Developer Groups

Transforming Everyday Life through Decentralized Innovation.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for renewable energy

IEEE Tunisia Energy Gathring - PES Day 2023

Leveraging the Power of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Optimize Efficiency, Predictability, and Innovation in the Realm of Renewable Energy.

Thriving in Leadership


Explore the strategies and mindset needed to excel as a leader and drive both personal and team success.

Combining renewable energy and Industry 4.0 for a sustainable manufacturing future

IEEE Region 8 Industrial Bootcamp 2023

The integration of renewable energy & Industry 4.0 into modern manufacturing.